Invisible was an artwork and research project by the artists/researchers Rachel Jacobs, Silvia Leal and creative programmer Robin Shackford.

Invisible… is a doorway to another place and time – like a fairy tale mirror, or the doorway to Narnia. Through a series of experiments and performative workshops Rachel Jacobs and Silvia Leal, embeded reflective interactive mirrored surfaces into a fold out adaptive structures. Creating an experience that allowed us to see into the future, enter another space on the other side of the world and reveal things that we can’t see in the environment where we are.

Invisible was a collaboration between the artists Rachel Jacobs and Silvia Leal, Holger Schnadelbach and Nils Jaeger – researchers at the Mixed Reality Lab, University of Nottingham, Guaimbê, an arts and community organisation in Pirenópolis, Brazil and Primary Studios an arts space in Nottingham, UK.

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